Yesterday was a day of clarity. Honestly, I wish I could hold onto those days forever, because it's damn rare that I feel that I can see anything clearly. For the first time in months, I feel that I can see beyond the depression. There is hope on the other side of this mess. But first, some housekeeping, both literal and metaphorical, is in order. I will be getting rid of all the stuff that's dragging me down. It's going to be difficult to sort through it all, but you know, I feel up to the challenge.
We went to look at a house today. It's the first place we've liked enough to apply for, so our application is going out in tomorrow's mail. We've already started making plans with the new place in mind, even though we may not get it, and it feels good because we definitely need that forward momentum. I'm hoping that everything works out. This house is much different from the one we're in, and most people will probably think we're nuts for wanting it. But we are embracing change. And sacrifice.
There are so many things to say, to share. But it's so hard for me to find the energy to blog, because it's going in so many other directions these days. I think we're on the verge of something really exciting, though. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really can't wait to see where life takes us.
I don't have any new photos of Charlie, since my laptop hard drive is currently full. But here's one from December when he was six months old. I'm editing photos from that month, and it's amazing how much he's changed.

I can't believe it's already the end of April, and we're hurtling towards his first birthday in a month and a half. Where does the time go?
I'm just glad to you're still posting, even if it's sporadically. :)
hi again! i'm kind of back to the blogging world as well. good thoughts going your way for the impending changes.
Glad to see things are on an upswing! Can't wait to hear about the house :)
I'm glad you're feeling better. :)
I'm so happy to hear that the good days are starting to outweigh the bad ones.
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