School is set to start this week.
Here's a bit of background: I'm slated to graduate in June. I only really need one quarter of a foreign language and thesis units to graduate. Of course, I also will have to write the thesis itself. Most of this year will be dedicated to the thesis, since I have hardly any coursework left.
I have been given permission to enroll in placeholder units this quarter for various reasons (which means that I wouldn’t have to attend actual classes or go up to the campus). I did this for several reasons, mainly because I wanted to simplify my life by spending less time in the classroom. But I am currently still enrolled in the two classes I originally registered for: a graphic novels seminar and German. I'm definitely going to not take German (as I will be taking an online French course in the winter), but I keep wondering if I should keep the graphic novels class.
Pros to taking the class: My thesis is on a series of graphic novels, so taking a seminar on the subject would be very beneficial, not to mention extremely relevant.
Taking a class would help keep me connected with the university, which would be very helpful in completing my thesis proposal and beginning work on the thesis itself. By this, I mean that I will probably hold myself more accountable for working on the thesis.
The class is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, so I wouldn't have to get to work extremely early on those days.
It's only ten weeks.
The class is taught by one of my thesis readers, which would give me instant access to him.
Taking classes, while extremely draining, usually keeps me pretty inspired.
It would also keep me from thinking about our reproductive issues so much.
It will probably be fun.
Cons to taking the class: Taking a class (even one) is greatly going to add to my stress level. I have a real desire to keep my life simple right now.
I'm burned out, and the last thing I want to do is take more classes.
This class could interfere with time I need off from work for testing and/or treatment for reproductive issues.
Taking a class will keep me so busy that I may lose track of everything else in my life, including my photography, the thesis itself, and all those other things that I enjoy having the freedom to work on.
I wouldn't be able to take a job out of state if one came up.
The class is going to take a lot of work, as all my classes have.
So tell me what you'd do if you were in my situation. Please note that even though there are more pros to taking the class, the cons are huge. But I can't deny the fact that I probably won't do a lot of work on my thesis proposal and/or unless I'm attending classes regularly - unless I just give myself a giant kick in the ass day after day and make myself do it.
Dropping out of my program is not an option. My heart is definitely not in this anymore, and I seriously doubt that I will end up in an academic-oriented career. But I cannot justify dropping out after three years of extremely hard work and tens of thousands of dollars spent. I have to finish this damn thing, and I have to write the thesis. I'm trying to figure out the absolute best way to keep myself engaged enough to make this happen.
With all this in mind, what would you do?