1) This shirt from Daytrotter, my favorite site for free music:

I really should stop wearing T-shirts and go for some kind of glam mom makeover, but that's not going to happen right now. Long live sloppy mommy!
2) This book:

It's a bit pricey and definitely something I'd never buy for myself. And I feel like it could be either totally awesome or a complete waste of money. I hate that there aren't any guarantees.
3) This camera, plus tons of film to play with:

I feel slightly embarrassed to be coveting this camera, because it seems like it's the camera to have right now and I should probably just use what I've got. But I can't help it. I like instant film. I like tiny things. Win-win. (Note: this is probably the thing on this list that I want most.)
4) This lens, even though it's plastic and I've already owned two previous incarnations of it and both have been broken:

Again, another thing I can't help wanting because it's an amazing little lens. And cheap. Hence the breakage.
And now for the boring stuff that would make my domestic life a lot easier.
1) We really need a new vacuum. Something like this would be wonderful. The price tag makes me want to cry.

Perhaps there is a comparable, less expensive alternative out there? Anyone? Because right now we are pretty much scooping up cat hair off the carpet with our hands in lieu of vacuuming. That's hot.
2) About ten of these bags (each in a different print), so we never have to use plastic baggies again:

3) This set of reusable produce bags to take with me to the grocery store and farmer's market:

4) This Pyrex set, so we can use glass for food storage as opposed to plastic:

5) Two to four sets of these cloth napkins:

6) A set of BPA-free drinking cups, but I can't really find anything I like online
I've become mildly obsessed with making our house as eco-friendly as possible, which means using less paper and plastic where we can and getting rid of stupid toxins like BPA.
Oh, and I'd also like:
7) Some maternity clothes that don't suck - since I'm going to be pregnant through the summer, I need options.
So that's my birthday list. I honestly don't really care if I get any of it, because my biggest birthday wish is for my mom to come visit just in time for both my and Charlie's birthdays, as well as Charlie's birthday party. I need to see my mom and kiddo together, and plus I just want to see my mom. As I get older, presents take a backseat to spending time with the people I love. But who am I kidding? I still love presents!
I LIVED in old navy skirts and tanks from old navy and target. Pretty cheap ans super comfy!
Have you been to this site: reusablebags.com
They have a lot of interesting stuff on there. I'm hoping I can start ordering stuff here and there.
That little white camera is so cute!!
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