That said, I am really excited about this November. I'm cautiously excited about the results of the election, but more than anything, I'm ready for the election roller coaster ride to be over. It has been a troubling and emotional time for us. I'm ready for things to settle down a bit, although I have a feeling that there will continue to be a major uproar even after Election Day. I feel strangely honored to be a part of such an important election, though. And having a sense of humor about things goes a long way!

I'm also thrilled about our new house. We got the keys last weekend and moved in most of our books and half of our storage unit. This weekend is devoted to moving the other half of our storage unit and most everything in our office at our current place. The big move will take place next weekend, but hopefully we'll only have to worry about getting our furniture over there. I'm ready to get in and get all settled.
I'm also very pleased to announce that we finally have a name for our little orange ball of adorableness. It's a name we thought of before we even met her, and we weren't sure if it was the right fit. One week later, we've decided that if anyone can take on this name, it's her.
She's not overly complicated, so she needed (something that could be shortened to) a one-syllable name. She's orange, so that needed to be taken into consideration. She's sneaky, another characteristic that she had to have in order to be christened....
Miss Agent Orange
Or Mao for short.

Another thing about our Mao: she farts. all. the. time. I have never met a kitten that farted as much as she does. Actually, to be honest, I really didn't think cats farted. But apparently Mao is half cat, half warfare tactic - so Agent Orange makes a whole lot of sense. (And then there are the obvious political references, but make of that what you will.)
So yeah, she can stink up a room like it's nobody's business, but she has really stolen our hearts with her never-ending cuteness. The other two cats are finally beginning to warm up to her; tonight will be the first night they all sleep together in the bathroom.
Here are some pictures of our little fartastic wonder playing with Roy this morning:

Obviously, when you've got something this cute to reckon with, flatulence doesn't seem like such a deal-breaker.
Lastly, it's NaBloPoMo! Let the posting frenzy begin!
I too am ready for this election to be over with. I'm so sick of all the ads.
Congrats on your house! That's very exciting. Have fun moving.
Mao is a great name for her. She is so stinkin cute. (Apparently literally) I have had cats my entire life and never knew they farted either. I figured that was reserved for dogs. Hmm.
Blergh. I can't say I approve of anything Mao-related. :P
Heehee, Chairman Meow! Love it.
hehe yr cat has toxic gas. long live chairwoman Mao! (Meow)
AWWWWW what a cute kitty kitty....:)
LOL about the farting.....with a face like that you can forgive her stinky ways.....:)
Hooray for Mao!
I can not for this election to be over either, maybe I can actually start eating in the breakroom at work again, without having to hear (and trying to stay out of) political arguments.
the story about how she got her name made me laugh out loud!
Lurker here... I read your blog from time to time because we have a California connection. I suppose it it kind of weird when random people just come out of the woodwork and comment on your blog.
Anyway... I wanted to comment on your beautiful new kitten! I love her name. Did you know that Mao is "cat" in Chinese?
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