Being as I signed up for this project before I knew I'd be taking a class, I thought I'd have a whole lot of time and energy to put into it. Unfortunately, that ended up not being the case. But I did make the time to go through my photos and pick out thirteen good ones that fit the various descriptions.
So, here are my thirteen photos, most of which have already been posted on this blog:

free space!:


everything will be okay:

childhood memories:

the end of the world:


mini envelope #2 (This one needs some explaining. Enclosed with the list of things were two mini manila envelopes. The second one had nothing in it.)

in the middle:

in my past life I was a...

wild beasts:

unidentified flying objects:

the moment between sleep and awake:

All in all, this was a pretty fun project. It made me realize how desperately I need to organize my photos. Maybe someday when I'm not so bogged down with a ton of things to do, I'll take the time to do that. Until then, I'll just root around in my random photo folders and enjoy taking a chaotic detour.
Really cool.
what a neat concept. i don't have that photographic eye but i think i might pass along the info to the boyfriend
Fun stuff friend! I love looking at your pictures :D
What an awesome project. I have to say I love the way your mind works.
That's a really cool project. Love the pictures.
Check out my blog!
that is such a cool project.
You have a funny new cat. Mao? Is that the sound it makes or the famous Mao? Remember when you would bring your cat pic to Holly's class and make me crack-up? You are such a brat! So how many cats do you have now? Did you get moved into your new place? What class are you taking this quarter? I'm teaching critical thinking next semester, YAY!!
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