This week sucked. Sucked. It would take me a long time to explain said suckage, but take my word for it. It was bad.
It's unfortunate that one can't be pregnant in a vacuum. Being pregnant is the easy part (well, that's debatable); being pregnant while trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life is what's hard.
That said, despite how much this week has sucked, I am grateful for two things in particular: my good health and Bunlet's good health.

So there's my 16 week belly pic. (It was another bad face/bad hair day, so I cropped it. And please excuse the doorknob.) This morning I was at the copy machine, and one of my co-workers started talking about my belly. This led me to explain to her that Bunlet is now the size of an avocado.

She seemed confused by the fact that Bunlet is still so small but that my belly is "so big." I'm not sure if my belly really is big, but I do have this feeling that I'm going to be absolutely huge by the end of my pregnancy.
But my burning question is where the hell are my glorious pregnancy boobs? They've grown a tiny bit, but when I hear other women talking about how much their boobs grew in early pregnancy, all I can do is look down sadly at my 34Bs (which were 34Bs before I was pregnant).
This week was our 16 week prenatal appointment. Bunlet's heartbeat was 140, down from 160+ at our most recent ultrasound. (This is no cause for concern, by the way.) I've gained a grand total of one pound since the beginning of my pregnancy. All in all, things are going well, and everything appears to be normal.
We have our big ultrasound in exactly ten days! Finding out if Bunlet is a boy or girl will be the best Christmas gift ever, provided that he/she cooperates. I'm probably going to do a little guessing game giveaway post on here for the occasion, so start thinking about whether you think Bunlet is a little man or a little lady (if you care, that is). I'll provide more details on that later.
Anyway, Bunlet and I are both looking forward to an easier time next week. Bunlet is now able to hear my voice, so the less pissing and moaning (and cussing), the better. I'm counting on giving birth to nothing less than an upstanding citizen - we can't let the potty mouth get in the way of that.
I would guess that Bunlet is a boy.
Glad that you and baby are doing ok!
With all the other shit going on, I am glad you are able to maintai that healthy perspective. When it comes down to it, you, Bunlet and Roy are healthy and loved, and that is most important.
I still think Bunlet is a girl.
I'm gonna say boy.
So glad you are both doing well.
I like the doorknob in the picture. Makes it more visually interesting. Otherwise, it's just another boring bump picture.
I'm serious here.
If the baby's about the size of an avocado, it's sort of about the same size as the doorknob.
I think your future bump pics should be taken next to items that approximate Bunlet's current size.
Yes, I agree....everything around you can suck but when you have your healthy self and Bunlet......nothing else matters!
And i think Bunlet is a girl too......:)
your bump is too cute!
I'm going for girl, the word bunlet sounds feminine.
My week sucked too. In fact, I can say this was one of the worst weeks of my life.
But we are stronger people because of it. :) The important thing is we are healthy, and Bunlet is healthy, and that's what matters.
Can 2009 start now please??
I'm going girl, too!
I like your bump. It makes you look skinny, if that even makes sense!
You know, you could always shop that doorknob out! Always thinking photographically, eh?
YAY a bump picture. I like Weezer's idea about taking a picture next to an object that is supposed to be the size of your little bunlet. :)
I also agree with Kim in that you look slimmer? I dunno, but you do!
Oh, and I think bunlet is a boy ;)
you're such a cute pregnant lady!
um, i'm going with girl. :)
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