Being as our big ultrasound is coming up (Monday!), I thought I'd host a giveaway here on my blog in honor of the occasion. You could win a gift card to the Etsy store of your choice just by participating! (Why Etsy? Because I love that site, and I love the philosophy behind it. If you've never been there before, I highly suggest going over there and having a look around.)
I may end up giving away another gift card (probably to someplace else) if I get enough participants. How many is enough? I don't know. But please, play along, and tell all your friends! Tell your friends' friends! Tell your friends' friends' friends! Um, yeah.
Here's how this is going to work:
1) Leave one comment on this post telling me if you think Bunlet is a boy or girl and why. I'm really interested in hearing your reasoning, no matter how silly it is. I love silly! I love serious! I love all kinds of things! So please, indulge me.
2) I'll allow guesses in the form of comments on this post until December 31, 2008, at 11:59 PM. This post will stay at the top of my blog until then. (My first sticky post - weeeee!) One guess per person, please (and thank you)!
3) I will choose a random name from the group of people who guess correctly, and that person will be the winner.
4) I will post the winner here on my blog within the first couple of days of the New Year, so make sure you check back to see if you've won.
5) The winner will email me his/her full name and snail mail address, along with the name of his/her favorite Etsy shop for the $25 gift card. I will buy a gift card to that store and have it sent to you in the mail. And if I decide to do two or more drawings, well, I'll let you know.
6) Those of you who I know well and am likely to reveal the secret to (or who can't wait until the New Year to find out), vote early! You can't vote after you find out, you cheaters.
And now, to help you guess, here are a few clues:
1) The night I found out I was pregnant, I got a very strong boy vibe. It lasted for a few weeks and then faded away. It came back when I was 13/14 weeks and has come and gone since then.
2) Both my mom and Roy's mom think we are having a boy.
3) When I was seven weeks, the postmaster at my local post office told me that I was having a girl. (I hadn't even told him I was pregnant, and I certainly wasn't showing, either.)
4) I had a dream in the second month of my pregnancy that I was having a girl.
5) My friend Kim dreamed that I was having a girl.
6) My mom dreamed that I had a boy (with red hair).
7) Once, during a conversation with my brother-in-law Paul while in my third month of pregnancy, he referred to Bunlet as "her" without batting an eye.
8) My other brother-in-law, Jake, said that he thinks we're having a girl because of Roy's "wuss sperm." (I find this funny because female sperm, while slower, are actually more resilient than male sperm.)
9) This Chinese gender chart says I'm having a girl. *
10) If you go by the Shettles method of gender selection, we should be having a boy. *
11) If seeing how I'm carrying would be helpful, here's my most recent belly pic (again), taken at last night, at exactly 17 weeks:

No, that's not death warmed over. It's me, I promise.
12) And here is Bunlet's most recent ultrasound picture (again):

* Note: I really think that both the Chinese gender chart and Shettles method are just fun ways of guessing the sex, but I don't feel there's much to either of them.
So, now you have the rules and the clues - let the games begin!
I'm going with girl. I am just feeling a girl, a very Leslie-like girl! Also, I like baby girls a LOT. And baby girl clothes. If I were having a baby, I would want a girl. There's some piss poor reasoning right there! hahaha.
Also, I think your postmaster is psychic. :)
it's a girl, it's a girl! I don't know why, other than bunlet sounds like a girl.
I am sticking with it.
Boy. I have nothing to support my reasoning, just a vibe. My mom was 100% convinced I was having a boy and she was right - maybe moms are good at this sort of thing :)
I'll say a girl. That just seems like a good fit.
I say girl. I have no real reason. I can just picture you and Roy with an adorable little girl. I'm just getting a girl feeling.
I had a strong sense of boy before all your info so that's what I'm going with. Why? I have no idea.
i say girl because the last 7 babies that i know that were born were girls. there's something in the water, i tell ya.
I'm going w/ girl. Lots o' pregnant ladies around me now and all carrying girls.
Before I guess, can you tell me about what you tend to eat for breakfast? And also how you feel about bananas.
BOY! Just cause!
Girl. I've gotten pretty good at reading ultra-sounds from seeing so many lately. I'd start going over feminine names if I were you!
I say girl because Chinese people are scarily accurate about these things.
Then Bunlet can become Bunlette.
Girl, because I picture Roy as a father of a daughter.
I think that Bunlet is a girl, because I just have this feeling that it is a girl. A lot of my friends have been having girls lately so I think it is a time for girls to rule!!
I'm going with boy and only because almost everyone else says girl. I have no other reasoning than that
I think it's a girl. My reason is that when I found out you were pregnant I thought for sure it was a boy. Then I realized that I'm always wrong about these things so I'm going with girl. This is Mandy BTW.
I see a little bump - maybe it's HER hand, but I'm thinking boy.
A boy:
Everyone thought my daughter Catherine was having a girl. She thought she was having a girl but it was a boy.
Plus she was sick a lot, just like you.
I say girl, because bunlet looks like she is sitting indian style in your comfy place, and boys have packages, so i'm going with girl.
no, it doesnt make sense.
hugs and happy holidays!
It's a Boy! The world needs another male in the world with Roy's caring ways and loving nature. He will be a wonderful role model for a little boy.
Judging from your conflicting signals, signs definitely point to hermaphrodite, but I'm gonna say "girl."
Why girl? Because my spidey sense says so. And because I want a niece.
I'm sticking with Boy. I've had that vibe from the day you told me y9ou were KU. Not as strong now, but I'm a stubborn one.
Fwend! As much as I'd like you to have a girl so that you could name her Myra, err, I mean, what did you say you'd name a girl, Elliott? Anywho, for some reason, which probably has a lot to do with my own food cravings, hormonal cycle and all around lunacy (no, I'm not expecting), I think you might be carrying a male Bunlet. But who knows. For the sake of the guessing game, however, I am gonna go with boy.
It's a BOY!!!!!
My gut tells me: BOY!!
Why? I can't explain it, the first thing that came to mind when I found out you were pregnant is that you were having a boy. So I'm sticking with it. :)
I say boy. I just get a boy vibe about your pregnancy.
And can I just tell ya that my new favorite Etsy seller is Malindi? I think I'm going to order Em a hat from there, even if I DON'T win your contest. ;)
My first thought was a girl, but now I'm going with a boy...and I love, love, love Etsy!
I love Etsy, I want to play! I say boy, because that was your first maternal instinct
boy! why, you ask? well, i know a ton of folks who had girls last year and i feel like the tide has to turn so they have some fellas to chase after in a few years. silly, but true :P
I vote girl because of the post office worker. When I was pregnant, on two separate occasions, grocery store cashiers somehow just assumed I was having a girl -- not even asked, just knew! Weird. So I think that sort of service worker is baby-psychic. :)
I'll vote Boy. You look like you are carrying low and I did with my boy and I'm grasping but I'm about 50% sure so I'll stick with boy. Congrats!!!!
I think it will be a boy. I have 5 nephews and with each one I wanted them to be a girl, but no such luck.
I see you with a boy. I'm generally wrong about these things though...but I'm going with Boy. Final Answer.
I LOVED all the clues. I'm guessing girl. My only reason is it was my gut feeling before reading the clues, so I'm sticking with it!
love ya
love ya
I'm saying it's a boy, just cause I get that vibe.
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