(I'll let the pictures do the talking.)

What an experience. I had spoken with a hairstylist friend the night before who told me that the first haircut would be fine - it was the second we had to watch out for.
Obviously, she doesn't know Charlie. Damn, my kid can tantrum. I wanted to take more photos but he was such a basket case that I had to put down the camera and take over the chair-sitting duty. It took the two of us to "subdue" him while the hairstylist tried her best to give Charlie a somewhat decent-looking haircut. At one point, Charlie was screaming in my face, and Roy and I were cracking up. What else were we supposed to do?
Poor Chuckles! Mean ol' parents! (Next time we'll slip a little Valium in his sippy cup, methinks.)
For the 4th of July, we went to a little get-together at my friend Becki's house. Her whole block had pulled out their kiddie pools and water slides, so we walked and watched and played. Then we had dinner and cupcakes and fun family revelry. I so wanted a beer. Instead I ate copious amounts of Becki's kick ass potato salad, along with three cupcakes and a piece of some mighty tasty Snickers cake. And watermelon. And kebabs.

Before we left, we had a mini photo session in the front yard. The light was too gorgeous to pass up.

These two little girls were pretty much the cutest thing ever. Photographers in training!

This year I really wanted to set up my tripod and try to catch some fireworks, but you know, kids tend to make those decisions for their parents. We put Charlie to bed, but he woke up once the fireworks starting going off. We decided to get him out of bed to watch with us. We had a great view from our bedroom window, so we all got to watch in our pajamas. I took some shaky, handheld photos.

It was the best 4th of July I've had in quite some time, maybe even since I was a kid. It's funny how having a child really brings the magic back into things that kind of lose their luster and excitement as we grow into adults.
And that, my friends, is how you have a kick ass holiday weekend. A first haircut, some fireworks, and some friends; add a 13-month-old and you've got a great recipe for unforgettable happiness.
Fantastic patriotic shirt.
I love Charlie's haircut, how cute! I also love that while he is screaming he has his bottle clenched in his teeth.
Also, Paul Frank Patriotic t-shirt=awesome.
Love the big boy haircut and the pictures of Charlie playing in the water. I agree, it looks like a perfect holiday weekend. :)
"It's funny how having a child really brings the magic back into things that kind of lose their luster and excitement as we grow into adults."
You said it! You just put your finger on one of the things I find so rewarding about being a parent. (Which is good, because there are days that I have trouble remembering such things...)
Glad you guys had such a great holiday weekend. I loved the photos!
Look at that big boy haircut! So cute! I haven't gotten J's curls cut off yet because I haven't been able to get professional or semi-pro photos of us taken yet. I must have photos of the cuteness before I can cut his hair.
And the picture of the two of you where he's all "RAAAARRRRR"! Wonderful!
Julius the Monkey!!!! Best. Ever.
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