November 29, 2009

It's quantity, not quality, that counts.

Oh, blah. I'm officially sick with a really! fun! cold! I've been in bed sleeping most of the day. Roy isn't feeling so great, either, so he hasn't been handling Charlie much.

And I haven't held my boy all day. Which saddens me beyond all measure, but if we can avoid getting our kiddo sick in any way, then we should. Right?

This makes me wonder what other parents do when they get sick. Do you avoid contact with your child when you're sick? If there's no avoiding having contact with them, what do you do to minimize the chances of your child getting sick as well?

Anyway, today is the second to last day of NaBloPoMo, and I've written some really crappy posts this month. But at least I've posted every day! After this whole thing is over, I just might take a break from blogging.


inflammatory writ said...

Feel better!

And don't take too long of a break...but I feel the same way about NaBloPoMo. I'm 100% sick of myself.

Sara said...

Hope you feel better soon! When I was sick, I washed/sanitized my hands liike crazy, put a blanket between me and Zara, and stayed out of her face as much as possible. She did end up getting a tiny sniffle...but NOTHING like me and MH did. GL and I hope Charlie dosent get sick!!

phairhead said...

hope to see you soon!

Becki said...

It's hard taking care of a little one and yourself at the same time. When I was really sick a while ago my mom and Andy helped out alot and I tried to minimize contact with Luke.
Feel better soon!

Erika said...


BLAH.....I still have the body aches and I'm oding on Nygil....but I think I'm getting immuned to it.

And this is my first week of school.....BOO.....feel better soon!

Nanette said...

Well, I've only gotten sick AFTER Em, so I haven't had to avoid her. Brent, however, stayed far away from her when he got sick when she was a month old.

Angie Eats Peace said...

I am sorry friend :( Hope you feel better, soon.

Kimberly said...

Feel better!!!

khairun said...

I have been obsessing about making sure I don't get the sniffles this year, now that I have a baby on board. It's just awful not being able to hold your baby when youre feeling so ill. I guess its just one of those things every parent has to go through at some point.
Hope you get better and well done on the daily blogging endeavour!

amber said...

Ugh! I hope you're feeling better soon. :(